Issue: Keep Migrant Families Seeking Safety Together

Consistent with our mission, CHRISTUS joins the wider Catholic community in urging Congress to take action to protect immigrant children and families seeking safety and shelter from violence by keeping these families together. Protecting the most vulnerable among us is a cornerstone of CHRISTUS’ Catholic identity, and separating children from their families as they flee violence and seek shelter is cruel and contrary to our mission. Please urge your elected officials to act immediately to protect these vulnerable families by reuniting them quickly and finding an adequate and humane solution to the crisis occurring at the U.S./Mexico border.

Issue: Continuation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program.

In September 2017, President Trump rescinded the DACA program and called on Congress to advance legislation before the Administration begins to phase out its protections.

As a result, it is projected that approximately 800,000 young adults brought to the United States illegally as children who qualify for the program will become eligible for deportation. The President’s action to rescind DACA protections is currently tied up in the courts.

Consistent with our mission, CHRISTUS joins the wider Catholic community in urging swift Congressional action to provide a legal framework to continue the DACA program and resolve this matter humanely, orderly, and with minimal disruption to our economy and national health system.